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Healer – Gestalt Coach – Family Constellations

Selnur brings her 17 years co-operate life experience in healings. She specialize in relationships. Relationship with companies, relationship between couples, relationship between parents.

Her passion is to work with human potentials and let them to bring out their core light and core essence for more joyful, peaceful life.
After studying Chemical Engineering in Istanbul and Software Engineering in Vienna, she worked in important positions in corporate life for many years. She has always enjoyed what she is doing. This brought her to the executive level position for Europe, Middle East and Africa regions in corporate life. One day, she decided to leave her corporate life history to follow her passion.
Selnur is BIP (Brennan Integration Practitioner). She graduated as Brennan Practitioner in 2019, and completed ASBIW in 2021 and Teacher Training in 2022.
She is international Gestalt Coach, she also certificated as Family Constellation Practioner and Kundalini Yoga Teacher.
She has lived in Vienna, San Francisco, Paris, London.
She lives currently in Istanbul, Turkey and time to time in California, USA. She speaks Turkish, English and German and a little bit French.

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